Damanhur Inside Out

Former Damanhurians on the outside talk about life on the inside

Airaudi’s miraculous selfic Cabins

with 2 comments

Reply to LiberoPensiero as regards the selfic Cabins

The selfic Cabins exist mostly for medical therapy rather than for cellular rejuvenation, in the latter case they are known as ‘Beauty Cabins’. The selfic Cabins function according to the principles of Selfica and ‘Microattractors’, which means that with this ‘magic technology’, imaginary intelligent entities called Microattractors are inserted into the body of the person. The Microattractors should be able to completely reconstruct and repair any damaged tissues by following a code of prime physical health. In this way a promise is made to the sick person of a renewed state of health.

Selfic Therapy Center - Damjl

The cost of a passage (treatment) in a selfic Cabin is very high, several thousand Euros for just one passage, which may have to be repeated again at various intervals. Naturally all the money goes to just one person (guess who?) and regularly in the black (undeclared income). If the Cabin was something real and maintained its promises, I think everyone would be happy to spend such large amounts of money but unfortunately this particular form of witchcraft does not deliver what it promises. And it is for this reason that those who are sick are advised to repeat the passage over and over again.

One also needs to be aware that when Damanhurians are seriously ill with life threatening pathologies they do not resort to the illusory therapy of the selfic Cabins but to surgical operations just like ordinary mortals. Sorry, I should correct myself, not like ordinary mortals: if a Damanhurian belongs to the tight circle around ‘imagine who’ the medical consultants involved are very illustrious, but if the Damanhurian is a simple citizen, they are common surgeons from everyday hospitals. For example one of the leader’s companions (the most important) has recently been operated on abroad for serious brain pathology. Forget selfic Cabins!

The Cabins are used to fleece those who have money and not to cure people! And those who are fleeced the most are members of Damanhur’s Centers and visitors from abroad or the average Damanhurian who is still hypnotized by a faith that steals away your life.

And who, when faced with life threatening problems, doesn’t faithfully trust when searching for hope?

I ask where is the medical practitioners regulatory body? Why haven’t they taken the initiative to act against the fraud practiced by Damanhur’s doctors and followers who are giving illusory and false hope to needy people.


Posted 18/06/2007 22:29 to the Community forum ‘Noi e le sette’ of www.focus.it under the title: ‘Risposta per LiberoPensiero a proposito delle cabine selfiche’.

Photo and reference link:


Written by damanhurinsideout

November 27, 2009 at 11:50 am

2 Responses

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  1. I personally had a PROFOUND healing from this very cabin pictured above. Had I not undergone this healing experience I would have had to have BOTH knees surgically replaced as it was bone against bone at the time of my treatment. I have to tell you that I have not had any knee pain since (6 years ago)! The cabin changed the physical structure of my knees! The cost was 925 euros. A placebo can not change the structural integrity of one’s knees.

    Joy Binah

    May 25, 2010 at 2:03 am

    • The Cabin did not change the structure of your knees…there is no scientific evidence of any kind to prove that it can do so. If there were, it would have created a medical revolution.
      All the Cabin changed was the structure of your wallet.
      925 Euros…They saw you coming my dear!

      Why do you think the Medical Fraud Squad of the Military Police closed the place down last November?

      DIO Editor


      May 25, 2010 at 9:33 am

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