Damanhur Inside Out

Former Damanhurians on the outside talk about life on the inside

Who really owns Damanhur’s real estate?

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Ref: Tax problems for Falco

Years ago, around 95 – 96 I think, I am not sure of the exact date; I remember that the constitution of a real estate cooperative was announced called PEAL which would resolve the old age question over the real estate holdings of Damanhur. The Cooperative was to have functioned like this:

Real estate holdings, “ALL of them” would be registered in the name of the Cooperative. Damanhurians could buy shares or when they had to give all their property to Damanhur, the houses inherited from parents or their own homes on entering the Community, the value of those houses would be converted into shares in the Cooperative and registered in their name. This would mean that if a Damanhurian should one day leave the community he/she would be able to retrieve the value of the shares. It would also mean that Damanhurians were the direct owners of Damanhur’s real estate holdings.

Did it go like that in the years to come?

From 95 – 96 onwards, all those who donated their family property to Damanhur or entered as level ‘A’ citizens, stripping themselves of all that they owned, how did they do it? By means of the mechanism of shares in the Cooperative?

Today, do they own shares?

Or was the story of the Cooperative a scam to tranquilize that resolute part of Damanhur, who insisted on the establishment of a Foundation or similar solution in which to register the Community’s real estate?

A Foundation cost too much, it was said, but the solution of a cooperative would be able to resolve the complex situation regarding the identification of the Community’s real estate from that of Oberto Airaudi‘s in an ethical manner. I also remember that when one discussed the problem in public, one received the reply that the question was absolutely secondary, in as much as if one believed in Falco as a ‘Master’ what was the problem of recognizing him as the sole guarantor of the Community’s wealth? If anything should happen, only he would be able to assure the continuity of Damanhur’s projects anyway. And if not him who then?  Wanting at all costs an institutional body that separated the Community from the figure of Falco was something that did no more than shed light on those who had little faith in him.

I have to say that as soon as faith was brought into it all possibility of discussing anything was lost…at least, admitting that you did not trust the Master, was something that obviously became incompatible with following the School of Meditation and membership of Damanhur. It is one of the logical paradoxes we found ourselves caught up in, when we tried to discuss absolutely logical questions like that of establishing a Foundation or an institutional body that would separate the community from the figure of its founder.

In those years, I remember, there was a lot of discussion about his role: spiritual guide, inspirer of a movement of thought or absolute leader?…An article of the Damanhurian Constitution was even abolished which had guaranteed him the possibility of exercising his veto over any decisions taken by Community institutions. It was a period of social unrest that left a presentiment of a democratization of the political and social management of Damanhur.

In fact one of the biggest problems now is understanding how that democratization of the socio-political management could have been integrated with the structure of the School of Meditation in which Falco, as Master, decided practically everything because the School was and I believe still is, founded on the presupposition of absolute obedience.  In practice it means the following: ok at a social level decide things how you want but if the Master ordains something different through the School of Meditation, you have to obey. If we commented on the contradictory nature of the question, we were caught up in yet another kind of logical paradox: why worry about it? He would never do something like that, how could you possibly think so? Perhaps you do not trust the Master?

These questions of a temporal and spiritual nature were derived from two dimensions that were impossible to reconcile or to resolve without an all Damanhurian breach of Porta Pia or a facsimile of the Lateran Pacts. Bah! As far as I can see the history of Damanhur has not gone like that of the Unification of Italy. In fact the opposite has happened: there was no breach at Aval or Porta del Sole, on the contrary: religion took over from politics and the city of God from that of men and women.

Today I read that there is an investigation in progress into the estimated wealth of the spiritual guide of Damanhur, equal to tax evasion of around two million euro…I know also that over the past couple of years in Damanhur, many workshops, small companies and cooperatives have closed down, all the businesses that  work hard to provide the daily bread of Damanhurian citizens, those same citizens that today should be registered as shareholders in the Cooperative Peal, which should represent the real estate wealth of Damanhur.

I also know that artists of indubitable skill and prestige, who have created the beauty of the Temple, of which Damanhur is justifiably proud, are now selling sandwiches in the bar, cleaning at Damanhur Crea and trying to scrape together 5  to 7 euro an hour…they no longer work as artists, having spent twenty or thirty years investing their talent and sweat in a work of art for which they have received nothing: not even the possibility of a pension and now they do not even have the satisfaction of doing the kind of work for which they were prepared to sacrifice everything.

And I will not add anymore because I do not want to say things that are not useful to the argument that I would like the Damanhurians who are reading to understand. At least those people with whom I shared an ideal and who understand what it means to be sincere, honest, devoted and a profound believer!

Regardless of the fact that Falco may be able to explain everything to the tax authorities, come to his senses and pay the fines there are to pay; on a moral and ethical level, how much weight does 5 euro an hour have, for a 50 year-old Damanhurian who in the best of hypotheses is reduced to selling sandwiches in a bar, when measured against this two million euro?

What better society for humanity have you really created over the last 30 years? How is it an example, different, or better in respect to what always happens in human history?

Who cares about solar panels and the Vidracco Energy Center if in Damanhur, just as in the rest of the world there is such profound social injustice?

I often ask myself and I ask you too: “ My God just what could I have achieved in all those years of work, idealism, devotion and commitment if they had been dedicated to a real humanitarian project: for a NGO that worked for the third world or safeguarding human rights?

And what possible use to humanity is another cathedral, built inside a mountain, if nothing has changed on the surface?


Posted 2009/08/08 18:54 to www.cesap.net under the title Re: GUAI FISCALI PER FALCO’.



Ref: Tax problems for Falco

Well done Eloisa, you have remembered something very important, the division into shares of Damanhur’s real estate holdings between all the Damanhurians.

I would add that the shares should be acknowledged not only on behalf of those who gave their houses or inheritance to Damanhur but to all citizens in a meritocratic way on the basis of their seniority of citizenship and the extra contributions made by each one of them. And instead yet again, something that began innocently with the best of intentions is transformed over time into the umpteenth scam to deceive Damanhurians and allow Airaudi to be the one and only owner of everything.

And then of all the Damanhurian citizens who have left the Community over the years, no one has ever received anything for their years of work and commitment to the Federation. In general not even a ’thank you’, in fact just the opposite, normally  those who leave are quickly forgotten, they are cancelled from the paintings in the Temple, from the community archives, their names (animal and vegetable) are reassigned to new citizens. They behave as if that person had never been part of Damanhur even though they may have been there for 20 or 30 years, exactly like the world’s worst regimes!

But there is one thing that has perhaps escaped Falco and his corrupt entourage: regimes, sooner or later, end, often in a cruel and unexpected way.

And Damanhur will be no exception. We are just at the beginning of the end

Word of prophet


Posted 2009/08/08 20:57 to www.cesap.net under the title ‘Re:GUAI FISCALI PER FALCO’.

Written by damanhurinsideout

August 8, 2009 at 4:09 pm

3 Responses

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  1. What is the status of Damanhur today in 2019 now that Falco has passed?

    Jane anne west

    July 24, 2019 at 7:09 pm

    • Once a totalitarian regime loses its leader there is often an easing of rules and regulations. Falco had mythological status while alive and that has no doubt increased tenfold since his death. Damanhurians will try to keep his importance alive because their survival depends on him just as much now as it did then. Many of his lieutenants were corrupt and no doubt continue to be so especially as he is not there to reign them in. Beware is all I can say. DIO


      July 15, 2020 at 3:29 pm

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