Damanhur Inside Out

Former Damanhurians on the outside talk about life on the inside

Tax problems for Falco

with 2 comments

And so it seems the truth comes out little by little…This morning the guru of Damanhur and his lieutenants did not have a very pleasant awakening with the news of his tax problems appearing in ‘La Sentinella’ (the region’s noted newspaper).

Who knows perhaps this will also shed light on many other questions…


Who knows if those who are still in Damanhur will manage, for once to clear the fog from their minds and see the truth.

Or if they will allow themselves to be convinced – yet again – that the world is evil, that it is set against Damanhur and that this is just another maneuver by the Enemy to obstruct their project to save the world!

Eh…unfortunately…just as so often happens, there is a divinity that never sleeps: the god of money! And it would seem that Mr. Falco knows this divinity very well indeed and has ‘put it under control’ for his own ends.

But every so often, the much abused justice system actually works. And something really happens.


Posted  06/08/2009 20:46 to the Damanhur forum of www.cesap.net under the title ‘GUAI FISCALI PER FALCO’.


Ref: Tax problems for Falco

Aiy yai yai…

Is it all coming out in the open?
Here is the transcription of the whole article as it appeared (so far) in the Sentinella del Canavese.

(See related page for translated article and follow the cesap link to read the original in Italian)

The defenders of Damanhur (without ifs or buts) branded the testimonies reported here and in other forums as nonsense, unreliable, and lacking in evidence. Now the controls are arriving! Here is the proof that the first subject taken into consideration by the press has been revealed to be well founded. The only error (forgivable) committed by the person who reported the news in the forum/blog was that the tax affair had been concluded when in fact it isn’t over with yet!

There is a very important passage in the article… as follows:

“A control by Ivrea tax authorities was begun in 2007. The objective, to verify the ‘accounts’ of Oberto Airaudi (…)The control refers to an enormous personal estate consisting of an extraordinary number of houses and bank accounts and estimates tax evasion in the region of two million euro.”

It is clearly talking about the PERSONAL wealth of Airaudi. Not that of Damanhur.

The question to ask now is: where did the personal wealth of Falco come from that consists of a LARGE NUMBER OF HOUSES???  Are we talking about the numerous houses donated (?) to Damanhur by his followers? But those houses aren’t they the property of the housing coops of which his followers are supposedly members?

And where has all the money come from that is in the personal accounts of Falco??? And seeing that Italian has precise grammatical rules…we are talking about ACCOUNTS …not ACCOUNT… he has more than one???

Note that the ‘Falco’ does not deny it!!! On the contrary…he calmly says that his consultants will clear up the doubts surrounding his accounts!!!!

Therefore the accounts exist!!!

But the Falcon Airaudi, didn’t he invest all his money in Damanhur? Didn’t he donate all his property to Damanhur? Doesn’t he live humbly in one of the many houses owned by the Damanhurian cooperatives?
How is it that I have the sensation that I know where all that money and property came from?

Who knows if the justice system will stop at the accusation of tax evasion or whether it will decide to investigate just where the enormous personal wealth of the Guru originated!


Posted  06/08/2009 23:15 to the Damanhur forum of www.cesap.net under the title ‘GUAI FISCALI PER FALCO’



Ref: Tax problems for Falco

I wouldn’t like to think that the Sentinella article was commissioned.

These Damanhurians have their hands in everything and know more than the Devil ….

Let’s see if it rebounds in the national dailies and what they write. You should wait until a real investigation is opened on the planet ‘Airaudamanhur’ before you celebrate.

Risiko teaches….


Posted 07/08/2009 00:48 to www.cesap.net under the title ‘Re guai fiscali per Falco’.


Ref: Tax problems for Falco

Elementary …Element! It certainly is too early to celebrate – it’s not by chance that we are the Land of Wonders (sometimes the Badlands…. But I digress) but to me it seems like a significant step: a good sign in other words. More than anything it is improbable that this is exclusive to Damanhur seeing as aberrant  groups are all very similar, the Forces of Law and Order would do well to widen their field of action and extend it to ’relations’ near and far…

Have a good holiday dear de-damanhurianized ones: we are all with you!


Posted 07/08/2009 02:36 to www.cesap.net under the title ‘Re guai fiscali per Falco’.


Ref: Tax problems for Falco

The huge title on the front page is there to increase newspaper sales, in fact not much was said and not everything was said. Furthermore the column placed alongside the article talked about Vidracco Energia, almost publicizing yet again how good and clever they are. A bit odd isn’t it?


Posted 07/08/2009 04:22 to www.cesap.net under the title ‘Re guai fiscali per Falco’.


Ref:  Tax problems for Falco



Posted 07/08/2009 17:05 to www.cesap.net under the title ‘Re guai fiscali per Falco’.


Ref: Tax problems for Falco

The huge title on the front page was very effective!

In fact the article said a lot, it said that our Grand Master Falco has accumulated an extraordinary amount of wealth with many bank accounts and loads of houses. How stupid I feel for having believed what he told us!

We read the two articles side by side in QDq but in fact the article on Falco was on page 3 and Vidracco Energia is on an inside page (34).

It is QDq that wants us to believe that the two articles have the same importance by putting them side by side but it is not like that, every time I read it I want to vomit, when are we ever going to defeat our Matrix and take Damanhur back?


Posted 07/08/2009 17:34 to www.cesap.net under the title ‘Re guai fiscali per Falco’.


Ref: Tax problems for Falco

The article on the front page was a surprise for the Damanhurians, the one on Energia was different.

The article is a bombshell!!

No doubt about it, how it will all end we shall have to wait and see, for now the tax fraud is coming to light, after a while perhaps all the rest will too.

I really hope that Damanhurians will come to their senses about the real aims of Damanhur.


I will continue my reply

I think I read something by certain Damanhurians in QDq and I found it quite disconcerting!

I do not believe they will change their minds, Falco will continue to be seen by the Damanhurians as a victim of the system. But this is very convenient for the Damanhurians who are all, willingly or not, accomplices in the Damanhurian system. To not want to see the truth and continue to defend the Leader can only make their situation worse, also on an intimate level because they are refusing to admit their ‘mistake’.

Here we are not talking about being out of one’s mind, we are talking about taking lots of people for a ride and those who think like Falco and defend him are just as bad as he is.


Posted 07/08/2009 19:15 to www.cesap.net under the title ‘Re guai fiscali per Falco’.


Ref: Tax problems for Falco

Damanhur was born of a precise idea that Airaudi over the years has adapted and modified to suit himself and what he wanted. The ‘elders’ will remember very well, how many rules and regulations have been changed since the beginning…depending on what was most useful, the rules were changed and those who didn’t like it were thrown out. The idea was to make people ‘devoted’ and as history teaches us well the best way to do that is to make them dependent, and that is what they became, dependent on Damanhur…and therefore on Airaudi.

Since the beginning every citizen that entered Damanhur has suffered from the same money extortion. Therefore if we make a hypothesis that in the last 35 years of its history around 2,000 people have become ‘A’ level citizens and today there remain only around 250 at maximum, we can calculate a simple average and understand how much money has entered Airaudi ‘s pockets. This is money simply handed over in the ‘black’ on the part of his followers.

You have to remember that there have been very poor people who have entered Damanhur and not brought anything but also very rich people who have given millions of euro (the last case was just a few years ago). We can average it out at about 50,000 euro per head. If we multiply 50,000 by 2,000 it means that over the last 35 years, 100 million euro has passed through the hands of Airaudi. This is in houses, all kinds of goods, donations, foreign bank accounts etc. This 2 million euro that the tax authorities have found is just a minimum, only 2% of the money that has passed through his hands.

Seeing as all those who have left Damanhur have given without ever taking anything, I hope that the authorities find a way to exercise justice and make this particular species of person pay what he ought to pay.

And to that I will add one more thing: The people I see who continue to protect and justify him, must be supporters of this contempt and if not, they would do better to keep quiet and start paying attention because the ship is about to go down.

Each to his own dignified choice…


Posted 09/08/2009 22:45 to www.cesap.net under the title ‘Re guai fiscali per Falco’.

Written by damanhurinsideout

August 6, 2009 at 12:36 pm

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